How to reinstall network adapter

How do I proceed to transfer all the old info onto the new PC so when I turn it on it’s the looks and functions like the old did? I examined putting the old windows XP drive into my new windows 7 computer. By the time I bought the conversion parts, it was simply...

How To Take Screenshot On Windows 10 Laptop & Pc

Before using this tool, make sure that the window you’d like to capture is unobstructed for a more successful screenshot. This method also adds your screenshot to your clipboard and displays it on the Snip & Sketch app. To take a screenshot of a section of the...

How to remove printer driver on Windows 11

In the front is red; left rear is yellow; right rear is blue (yes, I know I’m not using the official color names). My personal opinion is that all Lexmarks should be beaten to death with a club so they can’t reproduce. I better stop here to avoid a...



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